General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder team game (AT/RT)
- host:
- saver: EviIFriends
map: Mur'gulOasis
- players: 8
- length: 41:13
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.26 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(210 KB)
team 1 (loser)
TheGreatZoogo (
purple | 46 APM | 1895 actions | 41:10)
8 Archmage
3 Summon Water Elemental
3 Brilliance Aura
1 Mass Teleport
1 Blizzard
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 43 | |
Basic commands | 299 | |
Build / train | 63 | |
Enter build submenu | 43 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 8 | |
Give item / drop item | 5 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 625 | |
Select / deselect | 309 | |
Select group hotkey | 398 | |
Use ability | 101 | |
1895 total
» units
Peasant | 12 | |
Footman | 5 | |
Gryphon Rider | 5 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 3 | |
25 total
» upgrades
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Masonry | 3 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
Farm | 14 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 14 | |
Guard Tower | 4 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 4 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Town Hall | 5 | |
50 total
» build order
00:41 Altar of Kings
00:42 Barracks
00:51 Barracks
00:52 Farm
00:54 Farm
00:56 Farm
01:07 Farm
01:17 Farm
01:42 Farm
03:26 Arcane Vault
03:34 Keep
04:28 Lumber Mill
04:47 Scout Tower
04:51 Scout Tower
04:53 Scout Tower
04:57 Scout Tower
04:58 Scout Tower
05:52 Guard Tower
06:14 Castle
07:00 Gryphon Aviary
07:02 Gryphon Aviary
07:05 Gryphon Aviary
08:04 Farm
08:06 Farm
08:09 Farm
09:40 Blacksmith
09:43 Blacksmith
11:29 Town Hall
11:55 Scout Tower
11:56 Scout Tower
11:57 Scout Tower
11:57 Scout Tower
12:00 Scout Tower
12:00 Scout Tower
12:01 Scout Tower
12:01 Scout Tower
12:04 Scout Tower
13:55 Guard Tower
15:54 Guard Tower
16:43 Guard Tower
17:18 Farm
17:18 Farm
17:19 Farm
17:20 Farm
17:22 Farm
17:32 Gryphon Aviary
25:37 Town Hall
25:51 Town Hall
25:53 Town Hall
28:33 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Regeneration | 4 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
8 total
Penguin_clubber (
orange | 51 APM | 2118 actions | 41:10)
7 Tauren Chieftain
2 Shockwave
3 Endurance Aura
1 Reincarnation
1 War Stomp
1 Pandaren Brewmaster
1 Breath of Fire
1 Dark Ranger
1 Silence
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 77 | |
Basic commands | 50 | |
Build / train | 57 | |
Enter build submenu | 20 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 4 | |
Right click | 782 | |
Select / deselect | 241 | |
Select group hotkey | 766 | |
Use ability | 111 | |
2118 total
» units
» upgrades
Melee Weapons | 3 | |
Ensnare | 1 | |
Reinforced Defenses | 1 | |
Pillage | 1 | |
Armor | 2 | |
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 1 | |
Orc Burrow | 6 | |
Voodoo Lounge | 3 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 16 | |
Beastiary | 3 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Great Hall | 1 | |
33 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:50 Voodoo Lounge
01:04 Voodoo Lounge
01:17 War Mill
02:21 Stronghold
02:37 Orc Burrow
03:03 Watch Tower
03:03 Watch Tower
03:03 Watch Tower
04:12 Orc Burrow
04:44 Beastiary
05:03 Beastiary
06:43 Fortress
07:12 Orc Burrow
07:56 Watch Tower
07:56 Watch Tower
07:57 Watch Tower
07:58 Watch Tower
08:46 Watch Tower
08:47 Watch Tower
11:15 Orc Burrow
11:15 Orc Burrow
13:59 Great Hall
14:35 Watch Tower
14:35 Watch Tower
14:36 Watch Tower
14:36 Watch Tower
15:17 Voodoo Lounge
15:55 Watch Tower
15:55 Watch Tower
15:55 Watch Tower
20:29 Beastiary
» items
Healing Salve | 2 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 3 | |
Boots of Speed | 3 | |
Orb of Lightning | 1 | |
Scroll of Speed | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 2 | |
Scroll of Healing | 1 | |
Potion of Invisibility | 1 | |
Periapt of Vitality | 1 | |
15 total
mmurph33 (
yellow | 25 APM | 774 actions | 31:22)
5 Blademaster
3 Wind Walk
1 Mirror Image
1 Critical Strike
» actions
Build / train | 61 | |
Enter build submenu | 25 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 5 | |
Remove unit from queue | 2 | |
Right click | 285 | |
Select / deselect | 345 | |
Use ability | 50 | |
774 total
» units
Peon | 9 | |
Grunt | 3 | |
Troll Headhunter/Berserker | 5 | |
Troll Witch Doctor | 15 | |
Shaman | 9 | |
Tauren | 5 | |
46 total
» upgrades
Witch Doctor Training | 2 | |
Shaman Training | 2 | |
Pulverize | 1 | |
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms | 3 | |
Orc Burrow | 8 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
War Mill | 1 | |
Stronghold | 1 | |
Spirit Lodge | 2 | |
Fortress | 1 | |
Watch Tower | 6 | |
Tauren Totem | 1 | |
Great Hall | 1 | |
25 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
00:24 Barracks
02:28 Orc Burrow
02:53 War Mill
03:34 Stronghold
04:46 Orc Burrow
05:57 Spirit Lodge
06:28 Fortress
06:43 Spirit Lodge
07:54 Orc Burrow
09:15 Watch Tower
10:45 Orc Burrow
10:53 Orc Burrow
11:19 Tauren Totem
12:03 Orc Burrow
13:50 Watch Tower
13:58 Watch Tower
16:04 Great Hall
16:19 Watch Tower
16:22 Watch Tower
17:24 Watch Tower
23:11 Altar of Storms
25:43 Altar of Storms
27:10 Orc Burrow
lunerdonkey (
teal | 24 APM | 1008 actions | 41:10)
2 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
1 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 2 | |
Build / train | 41 | |
Enter build submenu | 17 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 2 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 618 | |
Select / deselect | 266 | |
Select group hotkey | 44 | |
Use ability | 17 | |
1008 total
» units
» upgrades
Gunpowder | 3 | |
Long Rifles | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Armor | 1 | |
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 2 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Farm | 9 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Workshop | 2 | |
19 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Kings
00:17 Barracks
01:00 Lumber Mill
01:29 Farm
02:09 Farm
02:54 Farm
03:36 Barracks
03:41 Farm
04:09 Blacksmith
04:18 Farm
05:00 Farm
05:40 Farm
06:18 Farm
06:44 Keep
07:08 Farm
09:40 Castle
14:43 Arcane Vault
21:25 Workshop
21:30 Workshop
» items
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
2 total
team 2 (winner)
EviIFriends (
green | 64 APM | 2646 actions | 41:13)
10 Blood Mage
3 Flame Strike
3 Siphon Mana
1 Summon Phoenix
3 Banish
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 109 | |
Basic commands | 147 | |
Build / train | 171 | |
ESC pressed | 6 | |
Enter build submenu | 44 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 10 | |
Give item / drop item | 8 | |
Remove unit from queue | 1 | |
Right click | 1011 | |
Select / deselect | 344 | |
Select group hotkey | 671 | |
Use ability | 124 | |
2646 total
» units
Peasant | 37 | |
Footman | 9 | |
Gryphon Rider | 8 | |
54 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 5 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Armor | 3 | |
Animal War Training | 1 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 3 | |
Backpack | 1 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
18 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 6 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Keep | 3 | |
Castle | 4 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 4 | |
Scout Tower | 22 | |
Town Hall | 3 | |
Guard Tower | 42 | |
89 total
» build order
01:12 Altar of Kings
01:16 Farm
01:18 Barracks
01:19 Farm
01:54 Farm
02:29 Arcane Vault
02:33 Farm
02:36 Lumber Mill
02:48 Farm
04:46 Keep
04:46 Keep
04:46 Keep
08:03 Castle
08:03 Castle
08:03 Castle
08:59 Blacksmith
11:24 Gryphon Aviary
11:26 Gryphon Aviary
11:28 Gryphon Aviary
11:33 Gryphon Aviary
13:12 Farm
13:33 Scout Tower
13:33 Scout Tower
13:34 Scout Tower
13:34 Scout Tower
13:35 Scout Tower
13:36 Scout Tower
13:37 Scout Tower
15:14 Town Hall
15:16 Scout Tower
15:16 Scout Tower
15:16 Scout Tower
15:17 Scout Tower
15:46 Guard Tower
15:47 Guard Tower
15:47 Guard Tower
15:47 Guard Tower
15:48 Guard Tower
15:49 Guard Tower
15:49 Guard Tower
15:49 Guard Tower
15:51 Scout Tower
15:51 Scout Tower
15:52 Scout Tower
15:53 Scout Tower
15:59 Scout Tower
16:00 Scout Tower
16:02 Scout Tower
16:03 Scout Tower
16:20 Guard Tower
16:20 Guard Tower
16:24 Guard Tower
16:24 Guard Tower
16:24 Guard Tower
16:35 Guard Tower
16:35 Guard Tower
16:39 Guard Tower
16:39 Guard Tower
16:40 Guard Tower
16:40 Guard Tower
16:41 Guard Tower
17:00 Guard Tower
17:00 Guard Tower
17:06 Guard Tower
17:06 Guard Tower
17:07 Guard Tower
17:14 Guard Tower
17:15 Guard Tower
17:41 Guard Tower
17:41 Guard Tower
19:25 Scout Tower
19:26 Scout Tower
19:27 Scout Tower
19:57 Guard Tower
19:57 Guard Tower
21:11 Town Hall
27:31 Town Hall
» items
Boots of Speed | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 5 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 2 | |
Lesser Clarity Potion | 1 | |
Potion of Mana | 2 | |
Staff of Sanctuary | 1 | |
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
14 total
Doctor-Kanibus (
red | 37 APM | 197 actions | 05:15)
2 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
1 Bash
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 7 | |
Build / train | 19 | |
Enter build submenu | 9 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 2 | |
Right click | 80 | |
Select / deselect | 44 | |
Select group hotkey | 27 | |
Use ability | 9 | |
197 total
» units
» buildings
Farm | 4 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Barracks | 3 | |
Scout Tower | 1 | |
Arcane Tower | 1 | |
10 total
» build order
00:15 Farm
00:19 Altar of Kings
00:28 Barracks
00:43 Barracks
01:00 Farm
01:44 Farm
02:02 Scout Tower
02:33 Arcane Tower
02:35 Farm
03:38 Barracks
tyrion4 (
blue | 43 APM | 840 actions | 19:30)
4 Archmage
1 Summon Water Elemental
1 Brilliance Aura
2 Blizzard
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 3 | |
Basic commands | 94 | |
Build / train | 52 | |
ESC pressed | 2 | |
Enter build submenu | 26 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Give item / drop item | 2 | |
Right click | 308 | |
Select / deselect | 228 | |
Select group hotkey | 43 | |
Use ability | 78 | |
840 total
» units
Peasant | 14 | |
Mortar Team | 4 | |
Sorceress | 1 | |
Flying Machine | 3 | |
22 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Gunpowder | 2 | |
Armor | 2 | |
Lumber Harvesting | 2 | |
Swords | 2 | |
Plating | 2 | |
Flare | 1 | |
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Farm | 12 | |
Lumber Mill | 2 | |
Scout Tower | 4 | |
Guard Tower | 4 | |
Blacksmith | 2 | |
Keep | 2 | |
Workshop | 4 | |
Arcane Sanctum | 2 | |
Castle | 2 | |
35 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:11 Farm
00:53 Farm
01:28 Lumber Mill
01:32 Farm
02:28 Farm
02:31 Scout Tower
02:36 Scout Tower
03:02 Guard Tower
03:04 Scout Tower
03:06 Guard Tower
03:11 Farm
03:23 Farm
03:38 Guard Tower
03:41 Scout Tower
04:51 Blacksmith
04:52 Keep
04:54 Farm
04:55 Farm
04:57 Guard Tower
06:31 Keep
06:36 Blacksmith
06:41 Lumber Mill
07:22 Workshop
07:25 Workshop
07:30 Workshop
07:34 Workshop
08:07 Farm
08:08 Farm
08:09 Farm
08:10 Farm
08:40 Arcane Sanctum
09:04 Castle
10:24 Arcane Sanctum
10:45 Castle
» items
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Staff of Teleportation | 1 | |
Potion of Healing | 1 | |
3 total
1-1-0-0-1-1 (
pink | 27 APM | 976 actions | 36:28)
2 Mountain King
1 Storm Bolt
1 Bash
1 Paladin
1 Devotion Aura
» actions
Basic commands | 5 | |
Build / train | 64 | |
Enter build submenu | 48 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 4 | |
Remove unit from queue | 10 | |
Right click | 394 | |
Select / deselect | 327 | |
Use ability | 123 | |
976 total
» units
Peasant | 16 | |
Dragonhawk Rider | 1 | |
Gryphon Rider | 4 | |
Knight | -6 | |
Priest | 2 | |
Flying Machine | 1 | |
18 total
» upgrades
Masonry | 3 | |
Armor | 4 | |
Swords | 3 | |
Storm Hammers | 1 | |
Cloud | 1 | |
Gunpowder | 0 | |
12 total
» buildings
Farm | 14 | |
Barracks | 1 | |
Altar of Kings | 1 | |
Lumber Mill | 1 | |
Scout Tower | 15 | |
Guard Tower | 11 | |
Keep | 1 | |
Arcane Vault | 1 | |
Blacksmith | 1 | |
Castle | 1 | |
Gryphon Aviary | 2 | |
49 total
» build order
00:12 Farm
00:51 Farm
01:26 Barracks
01:31 Farm
01:39 Altar of Kings
02:08 Lumber Mill
02:12 Farm
02:31 Farm
02:58 Farm
03:12 Scout Tower
03:13 Farm
03:28 Scout Tower
03:35 Scout Tower
03:38 Farm
03:41 Scout Tower
03:42 Guard Tower
03:57 Farm
03:59 Scout Tower
04:01 Guard Tower
04:10 Guard Tower
04:20 Guard Tower
04:57 Scout Tower
04:58 Guard Tower
05:01 Keep
05:28 Scout Tower
05:29 Guard Tower
05:38 Scout Tower
05:59 Arcane Vault
06:09 Farm
06:11 Farm
06:33 Blacksmith
06:55 Scout Tower
06:58 Guard Tower
07:13 Scout Tower
07:39 Castle
07:41 Guard Tower
08:18 Gryphon Aviary
08:24 Gryphon Aviary
08:47 Farm
11:08 Scout Tower
12:33 Guard Tower
12:35 Scout Tower
13:42 Guard Tower
13:48 Farm
13:53 Scout Tower
14:00 Farm
14:51 Guard Tower
16:02 Scout Tower
16:04 Scout Tower
» items
Orb of Fire | 1 | |
Scroll of Regeneration | 2 | |
Potion of Healing | 3 | |
6 total
Chat log
(00:10 / All) Penguin_clubber: this is an ORC world, humans
(00:21 / Allies) tyrion4: give me 100 gold quick plz
(00:46 / Allies) tyrion4: 100 gold plz
(00:52 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: this game isnt gunna end well
(01:02 / Allies) EviIFriends: Why do you say that
(01:07 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: you know why
(01:10 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: rush
(02:00 / All) EviIFriends: Damn this game runs better after a restart
(02:12 / All) Penguin_clubber: u mean lag or
(02:16 / All) Penguin_clubber: fr
(02:48 / All) Penguin_clubber: pro surround
(04:25 / Allies) EviIFriends: I didn't need your help
(04:29 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: oh well
(04:30 / Allies) EviIFriends: Thanks for leeching my xp faggot
(04:34 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: no problem
(04:37 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: you gunna tk me now?
(04:42 / Allies) EviIFriends: You'll pay for it later
(04:45 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: yep
(04:48 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: i knew it was you
(05:12 / Allies) Doctor-Kanibus: you aint even worth it
(05:21 / All) EviIFriends: Red left since I threatened him
(05:22 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: who got
(05:23 / All) EviIFriends: He stole my experience
(05:26 / All) EviIFriends: so I insulted him
(05:35 / All) EviIFriends: What a fearful baby
(05:40 / All) TheGreatZoogo: GoT or ASOIAF?
(07:28 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: anyone got red?
(07:38 / Allies) EviIFriends: Not I
(07:44 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: not i
(09:12 / Allies) EviIFriends: No leeching faggot
(09:48 / All) EviIFriends: Faggot teal
(09:52 / All) EviIFriends: if I didn't have to fight you
(09:54 / All) EviIFriends: I would have been okay
(09:59 / All) EviIFriends: but your dumbass has to leech at level 1
(10:10 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: im pink bitch
(10:31 / All) EviIFriends: Oh pink I mean
(11:10 / All) EviIFriends: These are harder creeps than I rmeember
(11:16 / All) EviIFriends: probably would have helped if pink didn't get all my footies fucked
(11:43 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: stop blue i heal
(11:45 / Allies) tyrion4: gold polz
(11:47 / All) EviIFriends: I'm killing everyone on my team when I get the chance they are faggots
(11:48 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: k
(11:50 / Allies) EviIFriends: Shut the fuck up blue
(12:03 / Allies) tyrion4: gold now
(12:06 / Allies) EviIFriends: Shut the fuck up
(12:12 / Allies) tyrion4: go fuck ur mom
(12:13 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: gold me green!
(12:25 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: ask ur mom to gold me!
(13:19 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: tp green\
(13:22 / Allies) EviIFriends: No
(13:24 / Allies) EviIFriends: You deserve to die
(13:47 / All) Penguin_clubber: he already got mass tp lol
(14:12 / All) TheGreatZoogo: no one cares about the waves
(15:08 / All) EviIFriends: blue trying to tk now
(15:15 / All) Penguin_clubber: wow pillage is good
(15:43 / All) Penguin_clubber: yellow is on his 3rd attempt on the creep slol
(15:57 / Allies) tyrion4: pink some gold
(16:13 / Allies) tyrion4: gold pink
(17:34 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: pussies
(17:43 / Allies) tyrion4: gold pink
(17:54 / Allies) EviIFriends: No one will gold your dumbass
(18:57 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal is so
(18:59 / All) Penguin_clubber: awesome
(19:24 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: pussies
(19:28 / Allies) tyrion4: i think u need 5 peons
(19:30 / Allies) tyrion4: lol
(19:34 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: find ur vaginas puppies
(20:23 / All) Penguin_clubber: bor stonebreaker has fallen
(22:23 / All) Penguin_clubber: now teal talks lol
(22:44 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: need kill dragon hawks
(23:32 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: they aint takin or coverin
(24:32 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal why did u attack purple
(25:02 / All) TheGreatZoogo: Just wanna feel, purple yellow red and blue
(25:03 / All) Penguin_clubber: why call me fuker
(25:05 / All) Penguin_clubber: i am friend
(25:32 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: 100 gold plz to rebuild main?
(25:36 / Allies) EviIFriends: No
(25:40 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: lol
(25:45 / Allies) EviIFriends: You're an insufferable cunt
(25:57 / Allies) 1-1-0-0-1-1: and ur a cunt face
(26:06 / All) Penguin_clubber: there was no point in even towering our expos they were never vulnerable
(26:29 / All) TheGreatZoogo: I just wanna be evil, wanna be evilk
(26:33 / All) EviIFriends: Red left at the start and blue was going after me and pink was jerking off in his base
(29:32 / All) Penguin_clubber: why am i a fagget teal
(29:54 / All) Penguin_clubber: im a winner tho
(30:14 / All) Penguin_clubber: what does this game have to do with me being gay
(31:11 / All) Penguin_clubber: that amkes no sense teal
(31:23 / All) TheGreatZoogo: Teal is trying to make sexual advances on orange and myself
(31:45 / All) TheGreatZoogo: he keeps probing orange about his sexual orientation in hopes of probing him anally later tongiht
(32:04 / All) EviIFriends: We doing a standoff?
(32:10 / All) lunerdonkey: fuk these faggets are retarted
(32:13 / All) Penguin_clubber: lol
(32:15 / All) EviIFriends: I was alt tabbed for a minute
(32:19 / All) TheGreatZoogo: Forecast is saying the chances are good
(32:43 / All) Penguin_clubber: i dont think it matters rod these guys are idiot
(33:06 / All) EviIFriends: They were all retards this game
(33:22 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal
(33:26 / All) Penguin_clubber: is ur aka cody?
(35:03 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: GREEN WHAT R U DOING?
(35:07 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: Y WE COULDA WON
(35:12 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal why am i gay
(35:13 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: CUNT FACE
(35:16 / All) Penguin_clubber: i am straight
(35:16 / All) 1-1-0-0-1-1: CUNT FACE
(35:24 / All) Penguin_clubber: am i a cuntface
(36:15 / All) Penguin_clubber: LOL
(36:18 / All) TheGreatZoogo: lol
(36:20 / All) Penguin_clubber: PLZ STOP PINK
(36:27 / All) lunerdonkey: LOL
(36:30 / All) lunerdonkey: wtf
(36:39 / All) EviIFriends: That was amazing
(36:41 / All) Penguin_clubber: wats going on ova dere
(36:56 / All) TheGreatZoogo: Pink did you know that teal is trying to get orange to have homosexual relations with him?
(37:06 / All) lunerdonkey: no fuk u
(37:11 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal is 60 games below 50%
(37:16 / All) TheGreatZoogo: Are you not attracted to him anymore?
(37:20 / All) lunerdonkey: ur the one playing with hes balls
(37:43 / All) TheGreatZoogo: you said that you wanted to put his balls in your mouth while he fingered your butthole
(37:48 / All) TheGreatZoogo: that's what you told me
(38:05 / All) lunerdonkey: ur a fagget
(38:18 / All) TheGreatZoogo: you are you want to have sex with orange
(38:46 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal do u like men
(39:14 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal if i had 5 fishies and took away 3, how many fishies do i have
(39:20 / All) TheGreatZoogo: teal is trying to get me in a threesome with him and orange
(39:24 / All) TheGreatZoogo: I told him I'm not gay
(39:30 / All) TheGreatZoogo: I guess orange isn't enough for him
(39:33 / All) TheGreatZoogo: he's such a deviant
(40:24 / All) Penguin_clubber: we knew this game could be a cakewalk but some good did come out of it
(40:27 / All) Penguin_clubber: teal and pink
(40:45 / All) EviIFriends: Red was kind of funny too even if it only lasted a minute
(40:48 / All) Penguin_clubber: last words teal
(40:48 / All) EviIFriends: I threatened him and he just left
(40:59 / All) Penguin_clubber: new accounts?
(41:05 / All) EviIFriends: yeah